Online and Mobile Banking Update: September 24.
As part of our commitment to delivering the best online and mobile banking experience for our customers, we’re here to help you prepare. Learn more about service interruptions, how to prepare and helpful next steps for personal and business banking.

Reach Your Health Savings Account Goal

You should be saving money in an IRA or 401k to help fund your retirement years. You can also use a Health Savings Account (HSA) to boost retirement savings earmarked to cover medical expenses in retirement. Health savings accounts are not technically retirement plans, but you can make pre-tax contributions and the money deposited in your HSA will grow tax-free. Moreover, unlike Flexible Spending Accounts, you can roll over your HSA funds from one year to the next, and into retirement. You can also withdraw HSA funds at any time to pay for current qualified medical expenses. So, as you grow your HSA account balance to meet your retirement needs, you will want to consider those current medical expenses in your planning.