Unfortunately not. When you select to receive paperless statements and notices online, you will no longer receive paper statements and notices in the mail.1 With paperless statements and notices, all your historical statements are conveniently stored online for you to view, print or save anytime!
Signing up for online statements and notices is easy! Just follow some easy steps.
Great question! Online statements and notices are indeed available for all checking accounts, savings accounts, mortgage loans and personal loans with automatic payments.
Note: Please log in to online banking from a web browser to view statements and notices from any closed accounts.
We’re happy to help here! For current customers, the previous two years of account statements and notices will be available in your online banking account or the mobile app. Additionally, online statements and notices are available until one year after an account is closed.
No problem! You may request to unsubscribe accounts from online statements and notices at any time by contacting us at 701-293-2400, visiting your nearest Gate City Bank location or, from our mobile app, sending us a message using the “Contact Us” tab.
1 Gate City Bank reserves the right to provide paper account notices and documents in lieu of electronic documents.